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Finally, a significant number of the endangered North Atlantic Right Whales summer on feeding grounds in Cape Cod Bay.The apostrophe comes between the word and the s.The week wasan idyll.The narrative lacks a distinctive character for whichthe reader can establish any strong sense of appreciation or sympathy.Qualified professionals can license data for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and beyond.Basho met numerous friends, old and new, on the way.Beavers use smell to detect predators,recognize relatives, and determine which branch will be the tastiest.
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Perhaps because globalwarming potentially affects everyone, it has received more attention.
Prior to Christie's, Sonal worked with Bodhi Art where she was responsible for the gallery's programming.
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He is also an attorney, serving as senior counsel for the Office of the Inspector General of the Federal Communications Commission.